Lee Kun-Hee, Chairman Samsung’s Last Letter/ 이건희 삼성 회장님의 마지막 편지

Late Lee Kun-Hee

 (고 이건희)

(09 Jan 1942~25 Oct 2020; 78 years)

Ex. Chairman, SAMSUNG GROUP 

Korea`s Richest/ World`s#75th Richest (Forbes 2020)
Net Worth $17.3 B.

Late Mr. Lee, the ex-Chaiman, Samsung group, was the youngest son of the Samsung group‘s founder. He was considered very thoughtful and a man with broad perspectives. There was a time when Made in Japan products had dominance in the world; Sony, Panasonic were on the top. He lead Samsung to the most favored household electronic brand in the world. He developed Korean businesses as one of the best in the world, contributing to what Korea stands today- one of the worlds most innovative countries. His efforts to project Korea as world’s number 1 lead to increase the per capita income of the Korean people. He struggled with ill health and surrendered after 6 years and 5 months of the fight. I thought his last letter has relevance for the  world which is rallying behind the materialistic success. Most of the times I tried to translate the Korean feelings, not the word.

Last Letter

Translation: Naveen Singh


All the people who are reading my letter, and still HEALTHY,

Even if you don`t have any health issue, get health check-up yearly;

even if you are not thirsty, drink plenty of water;

No matter how difficult the problem is, learn a way to brush-off them easily;

a life with yielding attituded and full of humility is also not bad, so please try to enjoy such a life.

Even if you have money and power, don`t be arrogant;

Even if you are not rich, know how to be satisfied with small things;

Go for a vacation even when you are not tired;

No matter how busy you are, get time to move and exercise.

We have bill to prove the value of of a $3 cloth;

We have cheque as a proof worth $30,000;

We have documents as proof of house worth $ 0.5mn;

but do you know what is the proof for VALUE OF A MAN?

It is none other than a HEALTHY BODY.

Don`t calculate the money you invest in your health.

When you are healthy, the money you have, is called assets, 

but when you are not healthy, what you are left with is your inheritance. (health is your asset)

In the world, you can find is a person who can drive your car for some money;

In the world, of course , there will be a person who can earn money for you;

BUT there is no person whose body can suffer on your behalf.

You can search, or buy lost things, 

BUT the thing you could never get back is, one and only- your life.

I have come so (rich) far, but what is the use of money for me?

The football of limitless money has made me just a greedy old man.

After I leave the world, not me, but someone else would live in the luxurious villa;

After me, the key of my luxury car will be in someone else`s hand. 

At one point of time, the only things that I knew and enjoyed the most were money, power, position; now those very things are just becoming trash now for me.

Therefore,  people who are in the early phase of life,  don’t be in hurry.

The people who are going through the latter part of life, still the match is not over. So for the sake of happiness of the remaining time, start loving yourselves from now onwards.

Me, who had achieved glorious victories in the first half of my life, could not win the disease in the second half. I am wrapping up as a loser. still, I am feeling warmth & happiness by delivering this letter to you.

To all the people who are overtly busy, please love yourself and take care...

As a weak man, I, at the end, could only  pray for your good luck.

-Lee Kun-Hee


나의 편지를 읽는 아직은 건강한 그대들에게 -


아프지 않아도 해마다 건강 검진을 받아보고,

목마르지 않아도 물을 많이 마시며,

괴로운 일이 있어도 훌훌 털어버리는 법을 배우며,

양보하고 베푸는 삶도 나쁘지 않으니 그리한번 살아보세요.

돈과 권력이 있다해도 교만하지 말고,

부유하진 못해도 사소한것에 만족을 알며,

피로하지 않아도 휴식 할줄 알며,

아무리 바빠도 움직이고 또 운동하세요.

3천원짜리 옷 가치는 영수증이 증명해주고,

3천만원짜리 자가용은 수표가 증명해주고,

5억짜리 집은 집문서가 증명해주는데,

사람의 가치는 무엇이 증명해 주는지 알고 계시는지요?

바로 건강한 몸이요!

건강에 들인돈은 계산기로 두드리지 멀고요.

건강할 때 있는돈은 자산이라고 부르지만,

아픈뒤 그대가 쥐고있는 돈은 그저 유산일뿐입니다.

세상에서 당신을 위해 차를 몰아줄 기사는 얼마든지 있고,

세상에서 당신을 위해 돈을 벌어줄 사람도 역시 있을것이요!

하지만 당신의 몸을 대신해 아파줄 사람은 결코 없을테니,

물건을 잃어버리면 다시 찿거나 사면 되지만,

영원히 되찿을수 없는 것은 하나뿐인 생명이라오!

내가 여기까지 와보니 돈이 무슨 소용이 있는가요?

무한한 재물의 추구는 나를 그저 탐욕스러운 늙은이로 만들어 버렸어요.

내가 죽으면 나의 호화로운 별장은 내가 아닌 누군가가 살게되겠지,

내가 죽으면 나의 고급진 차 열쇠는 누군가의 손에 넘어가겠지요.

내가 한때 당연한 것으로 알고 누렸던 많은것들....

돈, 권력, 직위가 이제는 그저 쓰레기에 불과할 뿐...

그러니 전반전을 살아가는 사람들이여!

너무 총망히 살지들 말고,

후반전에서 살고있는 사람들아!

아직 경기는 끝나지 않았으니 행복한 만년을 위해,

지금부터라도 자신을 사랑해 보세요.

전반전에서 빛나는 승리를 거두었던 나는,

후반전은 병마를 이기지 못하고 패배로 마무리 짓지만,

그래도 이 편지를 그대들에게 전할수 있음에 따뜻한 기쁨을 느낌니다.

바쁘게 세상을 살아가는 분들.....

자신을 사랑하고 돌보며 살아가기를 ...

힘없는 나는 이제 마음으로 그대들의 행운을 빌어줄 뿐이요!

- 이 건 희 -


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